Frequently Asked Questions

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  • What hours are Poll Sites open for Voting?

    All Poll Sites are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.

  • How can the Personal Information on Registration be used?

    你的选民登记宣誓书上的信息将被选举官员用来向你发送有关投票过程的官方信息, 包括你的投票地点以及将出现在选票上的问题和候选人. 法律禁止将选民登记信息用于商业用途,这是一种轻罪.

    Voter information may be provided to a candidate for office; a ballot measure committee; or other persons for election, scholarly, journalistic, political, or government purposes, as determined by the State. Driver's license and social security numbers, or your signature as shown on your voter registration card, cannot be released for these purposes.

    如果你对选民资料的使用有疑问,或想举报涉嫌滥用选民资料, 致电国务卿选民保护和援助热线: 1-800-452-VOTE (8683).

  • How do I check or update my Registration?

    You can check your registration status by calling our office.

    Kern County Elections Division
    (661) 868-3590 or
    1-800-452-VOTE (8683)

    You have to update your registration if:

    • You change your name (marriage; divorce; adoption, etc.).
    • Change your address.
    • Change your political party.

    Check or update your registration.

  • Can I Register and vote if I am in Jail?

  • How do I remove myself or family member from the Voter Roll?

  • Can I Register to vote if I am not 18 years old?

    If you are under 18 you can Pre-register. 为了预先注册,您必须年满16或17岁,并满足所有其他注册要求. 您将在您18岁生日时自动登记投票.

  • Is it necessary to belong to a Political Party?

    如果你不想加入任何政党,请注明“无党派倾向”。. If you want to belong to a party that is not on the list, 在空白处填上“其他”,并在空白处填上你所选择的合资格政党的名称.

  • 如果我没有加入任何政党,为什么我不能在初选中选择投票给哪个政党?

    无党派优先(NPP)选票只包含选民提名职位和地方无党派职位和措施候选人的姓名. For a presidential election, 新人民党的选民将收到一张不包括总统候选人的“无党派”选票. 你可以为允许新人民党选民申请其政党总统选举选票的政党之一申请选票.

  • 你为什么把我的联系方式给候选人和政治团体?

    法律要求我们向候选人提供选民信息, ballot measure committees, other persons for election, scholarly, journalistic, political, or governmental purpose. 你的社会安全号码是保密的,永远不会提供给任何人, your driver's license number, and your signature.

    如你对选民资料的使用有任何疑问,或欲举报涉嫌滥用选民资料, 请致电州务卿选民保护和援助热线: 1 (800) 345-VOTE (8683).

  • 我忘记在邮寄投票的信封上签名了,我该怎么办?

    Complete the Unsigned Identification Envelope Statement 哪一种可以在选举前60天确保你的选票被统计.

  • 我收到了一份签名验证声明,这是什么意思?

    如果您收到签名验证声明,这意味着当我们试图验证您的选票返回信封上的签名时, it did not match the signature on your voter registration. You must complete and return the Signature Verification Statement by the deadline specified for us to count your ballot.

  • My Ballot was damaged or I never received one, what can I do?

    If your ballot was mismarked, lost or damaged, you can request a replacement ballot. 替代选票在选举前29天提供. (For Military & 海外选民可在选举前45天更换选票.)

  • My Envelope has been damaged, how do I get another Envelope?

    澳门线上娱乐网站的办公室,电话:(661)868-3590,我们可以给你寄一个新的信封. You can also contact our office by email at

  • How secure is Voting by Mail?

    When we receive your ballot, 您在回邮信封上的签名将与您的选民登记卡上的签名进行比较,以确保其匹配,并确保您是被授权的选民. 然后,您的选票将与信封分开,以保护和保持其保密性.

  • 身为军人或海外选民,我何时会收到选票及回邮信封?


  • Will I be trained to be a Poll Worker?

    所有投票站工作人员必须参加在投票站工作的概览培训课程. 只有在即将到来的选举中被选中的工人才能在线预订培训课程.

    Advance reservations are required for all training classes. Reservations are made on a "first come first served" basis.

  • How many hours will I work on Election Day?

    投票工作人员必须在上午6时到达指定地点.m. ,一直待到关门,通常在晚上九点半左右.m. Polls are open for voting from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 你还将被要求在选举前一天晚上帮助建立投票网站. The set-up time will be arranged by your team leader.

  • Is Training Mandatory?

    Yes, all poll workers must attend a training class. 只有在即将举行的选举中被选中在投票站工作的工人才能预订培训课程. Advance reservations are required to attend class. Reservations are made on a "first come first served" basis.

  • I can't work the full day. Are there shifts available?


  • 我被分配了工作,但我不能再做了,我该怎么办?

    Call the Elections Office to be excused. 这是一种轻罪,除非你得到原谅,否则你将被处以高达100美元的罚款. 如果你是县雇员,你必须得到首席副选民登记官的原谅.

  • I took a training class during the Primary Election, do I have to take it again for the General Election?


  • My brother-in-law (or other relative) is on the Ballot. Can I still be a Poll Worker?

    No, 如果你和参加投票的人有亲戚关系,或者在任何竞选活动中工作,你必须等到下次选举.

  • I've been helping with a Campaign for a Ballot Measure. Can I still be a Poll Worker?

    No, 如果你正在为选票上的任何项目或人物进行任何竞选活动,你将不得不等到下次选举.

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